Wanting to be the best we can be is addicting.
Once we have a vision for what we want and we're motivated to get it, nothing can stop us.
We want to have the best life, the best job, the best partner, the best family dynamic, the best car, the best shoes, etc.
Sometimes while we're pushing ourselves we push those around us as we have high standards for them too.
We keep pushing and pushing.
We know we have good intentions but what we do not realize sometimes is that we are putting unnecessary pressures on people/things/scenarios that do not need it.
We can't push or force our way to perfection.
It takes time and patience.
Sometimes changing our ways from pushing to encouraging makes all the difference.
When we want something, we must be willing to be patient in the process as great things often times take time.
This story is based on an original art piece by Salina Mendoza.
View Process: https://www.instagram.com/p/BtHFmHGjTPP/
Purchase Artwork: Unnecessary pressure Original
Purchase Socks: Art socks
Follow me on Instagram for more stories and timelapse process videos: